This page lists all potential activities, collaborations, partnerships, and other actions between members. Everyone is welcome to make an offer or a request to make something happen. Learn how to make an offer or request here.


Roundtable Discussion: Ok so you have no choice but to get a job that doesn’t align with your values. So what now?

A panel discussion between Joel Derksen, Patrick Pittman, another guest and a UAL lecturer, possibly Dr Silvia Grimaldi. Joel and Patrick are cofounders of Nor, a not-for-profit and co-operative attempting to document, preserve, and question our material culture. They are currrently putting together a pitch for this. Nudge Damien in the group chat if you want to be part of organising this.

Expert Sharing: Design-Enabled Recommoning - Understanding the Impact of Platforms on Contributing to New Commons

Dimeji Onafuwa is currently the Principal UX Research Manager at Microsoft. His PhD dissertation looks into understanding the impact of cooperative platforms on contributing to the “new commons”, which are commons without pre-existing rules or explicit agreements. Cold contact, but highly likely this is an expert who would be interested in what this club is about and might be willing to share.Nudge Damien in the group chat if you want to be part of organising this.


There’s nothing here yet (-■_■)

Ongoing & Upcoming
Offers & Requests